This paper has studied the periodic system of the self-transformation question, proved the related conclusion of the many curve self-transformation and established the systematized model. 研究了周期系统的自变换问题,证明了多种曲线相互变换的有关结论,建立了曲线变换的系统化模型。
The periodic system requires that a physical count of the merchandise on hand be taken to determine the account of goods in the ending inventory. 在永续存盘制度下,商品存货和销售货物的成本帐户通常显示存货和一段时间内销售货物的总成本的平衡。
The periodic system of inventory accounting requires that acquisition of merchandise be recorded by debits to a purchases account. 定期盘存制要求企业购入商品时,借记购货账户。
The periodic system is applied to the three manufacturing inventories: raw materials, work in process, and finished goods. 实地盘存制将企业的生产存货分为三类:直接材料、在产品、产成品。
A further study on the boundary limit of the periodic system 元素周期系界限问题研究元素周期系界限问题再讨论
Since the geomagnetic field varies periodically on orbit, the dynamics of satellite is a linear periodic system. 由于地磁场的方向在轨道上周期变化,卫星的姿态动力学方程是一个线性周期系统。
The optimal control problem for a noncritical periodic system 非临界周期系统的最优控制问题
Employing the block controllability form and sliding mode control concept, switching control laws are designed for roll, pitch and yaw axis respectively, which ensure the stability of the linear periodic system. 本文采用块能控标准形和滑动模态的设计思想,提出了一种开关控制方法,可以保证线性周期系统的稳定性。
In this paper the nonautonomous diffusion Lotka-Volterra competition patches systems are considered, and at the base of the gained ultimate boundedness, the existence, uniqueness and globally asymptotical stability of positive almost periodic solution of the corresponding almost periodic system are studed by using Liapunov second method. 本文考察了非自治Lotka-Volterra型竞争斑块系统,在已得到的系统最终有界性基础上,利用Liapunov函数,研究了对应概周期系统的正概周期解的存在性、唯一性以及全局渐近稳定性。
A new method to present the periodic law, the visual graphic form of the periodic system of elements, is proposed in this paper. 提出了一种新的元素周期律的阵列式图示方法。
The boundary limit of the periodic system is discussed from both time and space respect in this paper-Transuranic element is unstable. 本文从时空两个方面讨论了元素周期系的界限。
The numerical calculation of the almost periodic solution of periodic system 周期系统中概周期解的数值计算
Moreover, the unique existence and the module containment of almost periodic solution for this kind of almost periodic system is proved under the same conditions by employing the fixed point theorem. 此外,在同样条件下,通过不动点定理,证明了这类概周期系统概周期解的存在唯一性与模包含关系。
The analysis of the elemental structure in the periodic system and the anomalies of the periodic law 周期系的元素结构分析与元素周期律的不规则性
Conditions are established for the existence and the stability of the positive periodic solutions with respect to the corresponding periodic system. 证明了在某些条件下系统是持续的,建立了关于相应周期系统正周期解的存在性与稳定性的条件。
Thirdly, the transport phenomenon of Brownian particle induced by noise in a periodic system is investigated when the coupling and multiplicative noise are included in the system. The current and the optimized efficiency are investigated when the forced ratchet is driven by the coupled noise. 最后,在含有耦合的乘性噪声的周期性系统中,分析了由噪声诱导的布朗粒子的输运现象,对耦合噪声驱动下受力棘轮的流和效率的最优化问题进行了讨论。
Adaptive filtering algorithm of discrete linear periodic system is studied. Then we extend the algorithm to the nonlinear system with a periodical nominal trajectory, and a navigation filter is developed with the algorithm. 本文对离散周期线性系统的自适应滤波器进行了研究,给出了滤波算法,接着把此算法推广到具有标称轨线的周期非线性系统,给出了相应的周期增益的自适应滤波算法。
So it is worthy of analysis the qualitative properties of reaction diffusion system and periodic system. 对具有反应扩散及周期运动的神经网络的定性性质的分析具有广泛的理论和应用价值。
Stability and Hopf Bifurcation of Quadratic Periodic System 二维周期系统的结构稳定性与Hopf分支
The method has been applied to controller design of small satellite using magne-torquer. The simulation result demonstrates the validity of this method to control the linear periodic system. 此设计方法曾应用于磁控小卫星的控制器设计,仿真结果表明,采用该文提出的设计方法控制线性周期系统是非常有效的。
On the strength of the need of our method, we discuss the existence and calculation of the periodic solution of the second order nonhomogeneous linear periodic system. 根据本文方法的需要,讨论了二阶线性非齐次周期系统周期解的存在与计算问题。
Characteristic Exponent Assignment for Linear Periodic System 线性周期系统特征指数的配置
This paper investigates a nonlinear periodic system and obtains a concise judgement principle which ensures the existence, uniqueness of the periodic solution for the system by using the methed of Liapunov function. 应用构造Liapunov函数的方法,研究一个非线性周期系统,得到了保证该系统存在唯一周期解的一个简明判别准则。
An asymptotic periodic system in a nonautonomous predator prey is studied. It is proved under some conditions that all the solutions in the system asymptotically approach the unique, positive periodic solution of the corresponding periodic system. 研究了一类非自治捕食-被捕食的渐近周期系统,在某些条件下,证明了该系统的任何一个解渐近逼近于相应的周期系统唯一的正周期解。
By correcting the current control command using the previous system error data instead of the exact system parameters, iterative learning control can effectively suppress the vibration of the highly periodic system. 迭代学习控制不需知道系统的具体动力学参数,只要系统运动具有一定周期性,它便能利用系统先前的控制经验和输出误差来修正当前的控制信息,从而达到良好的控制效果。
A sufficient condition that characteristic exponent can be assigned arbitrarily for linear periodic system is also attained in the paper. 文章还给出了一个线性周期系统特征指数可以任意配置的充分条件。
Dynamic behavior in a pure delay integrodifferential Logistic almost periodic system is studied in Section 2.2. 第二节研究纯时滞积分微分Logistic概周期系统的动力学行为。
Suppose that the data of sensor nodes are transferred with static scheduling strategy. Then the model of the networked control system with multiple packet transmission is established as an uncertain periodic system. 假定传感器节点数据采用静态调度策略传输,多包传输网络控制系统被建模为一个不确定参数周期系统。
The "overflowing" problem in large periodic and unsteady periodic system has been avoided by the proposed symplectic algorithm. 辛数值算法避免了传统数值方法在长周期和不稳定周期系统计算过程中容易出现的溢出等问题。
Further, by using fixed point theorem, M-matrix theory, we obtain the existence and attractivity of positive periodic solution for the periodic system. 进而,利用不动点定理,M-矩阵理论,对于周期系统讨论正周期解的存在性和吸引性。